Role models in schools, universities, academies and conservatories are keys to help promote students as they enter working life. In this context, the share of women among the teaching staff of art universities is generally unsatisfactory and in some cases nearly scandalous!
This situation is expected to persist because courses in certain fields continue to be taught almost exclusively by men, for example in subject areas of (new) media arts, composition, conducting or in some specific orchestra instruments. One of the interim solutions could be to devise mentoring schemes for emerging talents similar to those programmes existing for scientists in some universities. Professional women mentoring younger female students has made a difference giving them access to informal networks, platforms to distribute their work or specific job opportunities.
There is also a need to raise the gender consciousness of teachers and university professors through special training courses given their importance as facilitators. Students' consciousness concerning gender-related issues is low and would require similar efforts. The results of a 2003 Council of Europe study on gender mainstreaming and gender relations in schools may provide some interesting case studies to learn from.
Generally, the allocation of public funds for music and art universities, academies or conservatories should be made dependent upon the availability of support programmes for women and staffing transparency.
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