Pyramid or Pillars
Women in Cultural Policies

Observatório das Actividades Culturais (OAC) (

This Observatório (OAC) was created in September 1996. It is a non-profit association whose founding members are the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS), the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and the Ministry of Culture. The main activities of the OAC are research and editorial  There are 5 main research streams under which 28 projects have been carried out by the OAC:

  1. Re-thinking the production and diffusion of statistical information on culture concerning the Ministry of Culture and the INE; 
  2. Evaluation of cultural institutions that are the target of public cultural policy measures; 
  3. Surveys of audiences and cultural practices; 
  4. Studies of creators and of cultural diffusion agents; 
  5. Analysis of spending on culture, involving the public and private sectors.

Main research studies in the last 3 years include: Publics of the International Theatre Festival of Almada (2000); Inquiry to the Museums in Portugal (2000); On Reading – surveys and case studies in public libraries (2001); Audiences of S. João’s National Theatre (2001); Art Galleries in Lisbon (2001); Culture-Gates (2002); Mega-events and their audiences – Porto 2001, capital of culture (2002).


Publications on Women in the Arts and Media

Conde, I., Pinheiro, J., "Feminisation Trends and Profiling the Future. Women in Arts and Media Professions: Portugal". In: Cliche, D., Mitchell, R., Wiesand, A. (eds.), Pyramid or Pillars - unveiling the status of women in arts and media professions in Europe. ARCult Media, Bonn, 2000.

Conde, I., “Women in the Arts in Portugal” in Boosting Gender Equality in Higher Arts Education – A Handbook. ELIA – European League of Institutes of the Arts, Amsterdam, 2001.

Lima dos Santos, M. de Lourdes (Coord.), Ferreira, V.S., Duarte Martinho, T., Sedas Nunes, J., O Mundo da 'arte jovem': protagonistas, lugares e lógicas de acção ('Youth art worlds': protagonists, spaces and logics of action). Observatório das Actividades Culturais and Instituto da Juventude, Celta, Lisboa (printing press).

"Profissões artísticas e emprego no sector cultural" (Artistic Professions and Employment in the Cultural Sector). In: OBS – Revista do Observatório das Actividades Culturais, nº 7, 1999.

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