Pyramid or Pillars
Women in Cultural Policies


Donne in Musica (Women in Music) was created in 1978 by Patricia Adkins Chiti, internationally renowned musician and musicologist. From initial research projects and a series of festivals in Italy promoting and presenting music composed by women of all genres, in all times and every part of the world, Donne in Musica developed into an international movement and in 1996 the Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Women in Music Foundation was created.

The Foundation organises festivals, concert series, exhibitions, research projects, symposiums, master classes and possesses an important library and archives for music by women (more than 28 thousand scores, CDs, videos, books, lithographs etc) and collaborates with music institutions and research centres worldwide.

Donne in Musica is a member of the International Music Council of UNESCO, the European Music Council, co-ordinates a network of women composers, teachers, researchers and associations in nearly 100 countries with an International Honour Committee made up of individual renowned women composers, musicologists and organisations working on behalf of women in music in 31 countries.

Donne in Musica  works to ensure participation of women in the formulation and implementation of cultural policies at all levels and to encourage, safeguard and further women’s creativity, production, musical and cultural diversity.

The “Declaration of Women in Music” (1996), sets out the mission undersigned by all the affiliates in the network. “The Foundation exists to promote and stimulate the presence of women as creators of all forms of music - classical, traditional, popular, electronic; carries out research and produces music documentation, essays, biographical studies, publishing and recording projects, multimedia tools and will increase the library and publish catalogues of materials held… “ [1]


Publications on Women in the Arts and Media [2]

Patricia Adkins Chiti, “Cultural Policies for Women artists in the twentieth century”. In: Insieme per la Pace – Il Forum delle Donne. Equal Opportunities Commission, Italy, 1986.

Adkins Chiti, Patricia, Donne in Musica, 1st edition Bulzoni Editore, Italy, 1983 and Donne in Musica 2° edition, Armando Editore, Italy, 1996.

Adkins Chiti, Patricia, "Una Voce Furoi del Coro - Untuneful Voices". In: Cliche, Danielle., Mitchell, Ritva, Wiesand, Andreas (eds.), Pyramid or Pillars. Unveiling the Status of Women in Arts and Media Professions in Europe. ARCultMedia, Bonn, 2000. (Also available in French and German).

Adkins Chiti, Patricia, Non Pari Opportunità per le donne nella musica. Prospettiva Persona, Italy, 2002.

Adkins Chiti, Patricia, Una Visione Diversa. L’Electa Mondatori, Italy, 2003 (Italian women as creative artists in all fields).

Adkins Chiti, Patricia, Per un Mondo più Giusto e più Degno – la Via della Bellezza – ovvero il ruolo professionale della donna nell’organizzazione e creazione della musica liturgica (in publication for Autumn 2003).

Cohen, Aaron (ed.), International Encyclopaedia of Women Composers, 1st edition, Books and Music, USA, 1982 and 2nd edition, Books and Music, USA, 1985.

Donne nelle Arti e nella Cultura, research project undertaken by the Italian National Commission for Equal Opportunities and the Fondazione Censis, Italy, 2000.

IRCAM (ed.), L’Accès des femmes à l’expression musicale. Sorbonne Paris IV, Paris, 2002.

Lyon, Marianne, Women and Creativity – a Research Project. IMCUESCO, Paris, 2002.

Martorella, Rosanne (ed.), Art and Business – an international perspective on sponsorship. Greenwood Publishing, New York 1996.

Mujeres en la Musica. Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1995 (Spanish edition of Donne in Musica).

Quercia, Adele (ed.), Donne d’Europa – quali prospettive. Luigi Pellegrini Editore, Italy, 2000.

Regione Marche, Dipartimento per le Pari opportunità, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali (eds.), Donne nelle arti – la cultura come risorsa. Regione Marche, Italy, 2001.

University of Strathclyde (ed.), Gender Culture Power. Scotland, 2003.

[1]  From the Statute of the Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica.

[2]  Unless otherwise stated the publications are compendiums where the Fondazione Donne in Musica or Patricia Adkins Chiti have contributed a major article or section.

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