Pyramid or Pillars
Women in Cultural Policies

MARS - Exploratory Media Lab (

The MARS - Exploratory Media Lab with IST research group for Media, Arts and Research Studies (MARS)has been built up since 1997 by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss at the Fraunhofer Institute for Media Communication. It ’s goal is to make greater use of art-oriented strategies when developing media technology and to promote media-technology skills in art, culture and education. 

The MARS Lab is organised into interdisciplinary teams of architects, artists, designers, IT experts, media scientists and art scientists. They develop state-of-the-art tools for the art of tomorrow, research into areas of debate and problems arising in a networked society and draft future models for networked knowledge and communication spaces. The research group is financed mostly through research projects carried out on behalf of the European Union, the German Ministry for Education and Research, and industry. The facility employs between 12 and 25 staff. 

Research projects, productions and products focus on interactivity, interface design and development and research strategies in the context of real and digital space (Mixed Rea-lity).One of the key focal areas covers hardware and software development in conjunction with art projects and productions. 

As part of its broad-based research agenda, the MARS Lab offers artists the opportunity to perform media artwork in co-operation projects. Specially-launched competitions such as Cyberstar for artists and digital sparks for students highlight innovative audio-visual and interactive media concepts, and support co-operation between artists, designers and computer experts. Special events, such as the Memoria Futura symposium and the conference entitled cast01-Living in Mixed Realities are aimed at an audience of specialists that includes media artists, designers, computer scientists and media technicians. 

The Internet platform has been developed as part of a five year research and development project into an online centre of expertise for art and new media. offers artists the opportunity to present, communicate and archive their is a knowledge portal for art and new media, and represents a growing online archive for media art that is accessible to the public. 

During the last 15 years Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss conduct artistic research experiments in theory and practice: 

  • Interfaces for the Senses
  • Play & Learn Environments
  • Media Staging for Media Lounges
  • Media Studies for Cultural Institutions
  • Studies & concepts for town councils to support of digital culture
  • Knowledge Technologies
  • Distributed web applications

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