Many women are consciously choosing not to have children because in many European countries there are so few support structures and measures which would enable them to do so.
This also includes the "single-earner" income tax model favoured by a number of European countries as well as the provision of child care services [3]. An important key to unlock gatekeeping mechanisms would be the realisation of proposals for a reform of the child care system.
The Council Recommendation 92/241/EEC of 31 March 1992 on childcare outlines general goals to improve the quality of child care services, parental leave, workplace measures and sharing of responsibilities between men and women. It does not necessarily address the working practices of artists and other "mobile" professionals which would require night-time or flexible day care services or at least the provision of affordable all-day child care which is not available in most EU countries.
It has been recommended that child care services should be more accessible to, for example, orchestra musicians who perform in late night concerts, are part of a touring ensemble or have opportunities to participate in residencies abroad. Such services could also be negotiated in their working contracts or could be included as a component of public awards/scholarships.
[3] See Irene Dingeldey, Begünstigungen und Belastungen familialer Erwerbs-und Arbeitszeitmuster in: Steuer-und Sozialversicherungssystemen - Ein Vergleich zehn europäischer Länder, Graue Reihe des Instituts Arbeit und Technik, 1999-04.
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